‘I walked one evening along a road – on one side lay the town, and the fjord lay below me…’ In this way begins Edvard Munch’s account of how he came to paint The Scream. Besides the Mona Lisa, it is probably the most recognisable image ever created. Munch painted in order to ‘explain my life to myself’. And for the same reason, he wrote constantly in notebooks about his anxieties, his unhappy love life, his disappointments and his creative ideas. His writings are often witty and – from the man who gave modern anxiety its visual language – full of searing insights into the challenges of life and society. For today’s podcast, I have rummaged around in these sources to let Norway’s great artist speak for himself. ‘I know I have to return to the road by the edge of the cliff – that is my road.’
Self-Portrait (1905)
Public Domain
Owner: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design
CONTACTTwitter: @northbynorway
Email: northbynorway@gmail.com
LINKS & SOURCESSom et spøgelse forlader jeg dig: Sitater av Edvard Munch Red. Josephine Langebrekke
Munchmuseet, Oslo (2017)
Den Munch jeg møtte
Inger Alver Gløersen
Gyldendal (1956)
Edvard Munch: nærbilde av et geni Rolf Stenersen
Gyldendal (1945)
North by Norway written on GarageBand by Andrew J. Boyle, using the Norwegian folksong ‘I Ola-dalom, i Ola-tjønn’
03:15: Nocturne (from
Moorside Suite)
Gustav Holst
Music performed on GarageBand by Andrew J. Boyle
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